
With an art and design background, extensive training in semi-permanent brow makeup and a perfectionist streak, my clients are guaranteed a service and result that is second to none. They also benefit from my incredibly high standards and my burning desire to be an industry leader and top ombré artist.


“I get to know each of my clients and guide them through the process. It is incredibly important to me that they are happy with their brows and the entire process”.


I use a cosmetic tattoo machine to gently create dramatic or convincingly natural semi-permanent brows. This is different from the technique used by microblading artists, who use a blade. After extensive research and hands on experience, I have found this technique to be the safest for my clients and it allows me to consistently deliver excellent results.

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I have an event to go to afterwards, will they look okay?

There will be very little swelling, and some clients don’t experience any. Depending on your skin type you may have some redness, but this only lasts for about 20 minutes post treatment. Bring some makeup to touch up around your eyes and forehead, as I will wipe this off as I’m working.

Is it painful?

The majority of my clients actually find this treatment relaxing! I apply a numbing gel to the area to ensure you are as comfortable as possible. Your brows may start to feel a little hot or tender toward the end, but most clients say it is less painful than tweezing.

What will happen on the day?

We start with the consultation process. This includes a medical history form, consultation form, and consent form. I ask you lots of questions, and invite you to ask questions before proceeding. It is important I get as much information about you, your lifestyle and current health as possible, as these factors all contribute to your healed result.

A brow template is drawn up, which you approve. I then gently outline the shape using my cosmetic tattoo machine, before applying a fast-acting numbing gel to ensure you are as comfortable as possible during the procedure. The time it takes depends on your skin type, how much brow hair there is and the technique chosen, but it generally takes no longer than an hour.


How do I know what colour to choose?

I have a wide range of colours to choose from and I often mix them together to find the right fit for you. Your final healed result hinges on skin type, undertones and hair colour. Your brows may initially feel too dark, but this is temporary as it takes approximately four weeks for the final colour to be revealed.

Should I grow my brows out beforehand?

The very best is a tidy brow, so I can follow your natural shape. Your last wax should be at least a week prior, to avoid the risk of hypersensitized skin.

Why do I need two sessions?

In the first session your skin is somewhat unpredictable, so I play it safe and I am cautious with pigment selection. Your brows are likely to fade in some areas more than others and the colour can change too. In the second session we assess the healed results and adjust the technique and/or colour accordingly. The second session is imperative to achieve a natural looking result.


Do your pigments contain metal?

Yes. Most pigments do, which is why it is so important to use high quality pigments. I use LI Pigments, which use top grade ingredients and are tested regularly to meet all EU regulations.

There have been some MRI complications reported when inferior pigments have been used, but the consensus is that MRI’s are not a problem for LI Pigments. It comes down to the quality of ingredients used and the level of heavy metals.

How do I take care of my brows?

Good results depend on how well you care for your brows post treatment, so don’t slack off on the aftercare. You will need to wipe your brows regularly for two days to keep them free of lymph and avoid sweating for at least 48 hours. It is also important to keep them free from water, skincare products and steam for 10 days. I will give you aftercare balm to apply 3-4 times a day, from day three onwards. UV rays, skincare ingredients such as AHA, Glycolic acids and Retinoids are to be avoided long-term to prevent early pigment loss or discolouration.

My brows seem to have faded a lot?

This is totally normal. They’ll darken at first as the pigment oxidises, and from day four onwards you can expect your brows to start fading. The colour will continue to change between appointments. Some are relieved when the colour softens and others disappointed. It is important to trust the process and understand that there is a reason this procedure is completed over two sessions.


They're too dark!

This is part of the healing process and is temporary. Your brow colour will deepen overnight and appear to be even darker on day three. This is because a scab forms over each hair-stroke and then flakes off over the next 10 days. If your brows feel too dark, don’t fret. They will lighten from day five and continue to lighten for another week to 10 days.

They look slightly different?

Sisters. Not twins.

How long will they last?

Depending on your skin type, age, lifestyle and any medications you take, you should get a minimum of eight months out of your brows before needing a colour refresh. This refresh is a one-off treatment needed once a year.


Will I have to keep tinting my eyebrows?

Tattooing the skin does not affect your hair growth or colour so if you are currently tinting your brows I suggest you continue to do so. This ensures the tattoo does not get lost beneath a layer of lighter hair.

Can I have this done while pregnant or breastfeeding?

This treatment is not safe for pregnant women, and due to lack of research I will not treat breastfeeding mothers either. It is just not worth the risk.

I had my brows done elsewhere and I'm not happy with them, can you help me?

I do not offer correction work unless tattoos are over two years old. Please email me before booking if you have had your brows tattooed previously.


I get eczema or dermatitus in my brows. Is that okay?

I cannot tattoo skin that is compromised or inflamed as it will not heal well. Acne and other topical creams can often affect the skin thickness as well. Please contact me if this applies to you.

Can I have Botox or filler before the treatment?

Please plan Botox either two weeks prior or four weeks post treatment, and if you plan to have filler please schedule this four weeks either side. Also avoid chemical peels and laser treatments for a month prior to your session, and at least 60 days post treatment. Ensure your therapist avoids the brow area with these treatments for the duration of their life.

What can make you unsuitable for the procedure?

Many medications affect the structure of the skin and have strong contraindications. Some thin the skin, some can cause bleeding during treatment and others affect the longevity of results. Some can cause all of the above!

Common medications and conditions I need to know about prior to your appointment are: Thyroxine, blood thinners, Accutane, prescription pain medications, cholesterol, antibiotics or oral steroids, and thyroid, heart, diabetes, keloid scarring, psoriasis, dermatitis or eczema, and acne issues. If you have taken any of these medications or experienced these health issues please contact me before making your booking. I hate turning people away, but it is best to do that earlier rather than on the day of your long-awaited appointment.